Can My Type Change? and Other Typing FAQs
I answer all of your frequently asked questions about TYPING and give you my fool-proof method to determine your type!
As a Certified Enneagram Coach, here are the questions I get asked ALL THE TIME.
⚡ FAQs answered ⚡
Can my type change?
How do I find my type?
What test should I take?
I already know my Myers Briggs, my DISC, do i need to know Enneagram too?
Am I a ____ or a ______?
Can I tell someone else what type they are?
My 3-step process
1. take this assessment (don't pay for anything)
2. screenshot your pie chart (we're going to look at the top three results)
3. schedule a free 30-minute call with me to discuss your top 3 results
I'll help you determine which of those top three is your actual type.
Then you can start incorporating your Enneagram type into your growth 🌿