Enneagram and Relationships Elyse Horb Enneagram and Relationships Elyse Horb

Understanding Enneagram Threes in Relationships

Threes bring their deep attunement to others to relationships. They can easily deduce what the  other person, or people, want and need. Since Threes are so incredibly adaptable, they can morph into what they think is needed in the relationship. Similar to how a Type Nine struggles to know what they want and instead easily merges with the other person, a Type Three struggles to  know what they truly want because they spend so much energy turning themselves into the person they think the other wants.

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Enneagram and Relationships Elyse Horb Enneagram and Relationships Elyse Horb

Understanding Enneagram Twos in Relationships

Twos see the world in terms of their relationships. When they make decisions, they first consider how it will affect all the other people involved. In organizations, Twos help make sure all the relationships at stake are considered in big decisions. Twos prioritize thinking of others and are gifted at understanding how each action a will affect other people.

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Elyse Horb Elyse Horb

An Enneagram 9 Finds Her Voice Through Leading with Brielle Regier

Brielle, Enneagram 9, has a lot to say about learning to lead in her various jobs.
She takes us from her recent college graduation to her impactful role as a discharge planner at an adolescent mental health facility. Leadership at work has empowered her in all areas of her life - and now she’s starting grad school to become a Clinical Mental Health Counselor.

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Elyse Horb Elyse Horb

What does your type fear most?

This is me, child Awana quizzing champion 😂

As a kid I had noooo idea that everybody else DIDN’T have the same drive for ✨perfection✨ as I did… and I was the know-it-all kid who got mad at the ‘bad kids’ breaking the rules!!

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