What does your type fear most?
Don’t you hate talking about fear? 😱
Here’s the problem: you can’t afford to NOT know what your type fears the most!
It’s driving so many of your decisions and reactions - whether you realize it or not. 💭
Take a moment to refresh your memory on your type’s core fear.
1 - Being bad or wrong; making mistakes; being inappropriate or corrupted
2 - Being unwanted or rejected; others thinking they’re worthless or needy
3 - Being or appearing unsuccessful; being worthless; being incompetent
4 - Being mundane, average, and like everyone else; being defective or flawed
5 - Being incompetent or ignorant; having their energy depleted
6 - Being abandoned, blamed or targeted; not having certainty, security. or guidance
7 - Being limited. trapped, or bored; emotional or physical pain
8 - Betrayal; looking weak or vulnerable; being powerless or controlled
9 - Losing connection with others; being in conflict or tension; being overlooked
Does your core fear shed any light on behaviors or tendencies you had as a kid, or does it help you understand what made you different from other kids?
Your core fear is a DRIVER for so many decisions you make on the daily — that’s why it matters that you know your core fear. Once you can name it,
you can notice it, and once you start noticing it, you can start to shake it loose.
You don’t have to be constantly mitigating your core fear - but if you aren’t aware, you will be. You’ll get stuck in the same patterns of behavior over and over again, frustrated and confused about how you got here, again.